Touch me, I’m your phone and have an important message on feminist urbanism

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Despite ongoing challenges, the courts and our Constitution are holding strong. Our country is proving to be more resilient than many expected.
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Meanwhile, our new open-source nonprofit social media space is thriving—come visit when you can!

This week’s episode of Auto Asphyxiation on Acceleration Theory and misogyny has been one of our most popular yet—don’t miss it.
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Be sure to check out this week’s essays, and if you haven’t already, our TikTok commentaries on the state of space are gaining traction. Over on Bluesky, we’re ready for your sharpest wit.

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And finally, as a team of two and a half-ish, we appreciate your patience. Juggling Chardonnay while riding a bicycle and putting on lipstick is, in fact, harder than it looks.
In warm solidarity,
PS tips are appreciated.