Welcome to Our New Readers!

We’ve had quite a few new sign-ups recently—thank you for joining us, whether through A Feminist Newsletter in NJ—about Urbanism or my longtime group, Space is a Means of Production.

People sometimes ask why we talk about politics when our focus is urbanism. But I’m always puzzled by those who call themselves urbanists yet act as if politics is something they can rise above. That kind of detachment strikes me as either insincere or deeply ignorant of how the world works.

And let’s be clear: that same insincerity and ignorance have helped pave the way for a fascist president. Business as usual was never acceptable, but right now, it’s outright dangerous.
Our Focus is—and Always Has Been—Space
Inspired by Henri Lefebvre’s revolutionary Right to the City (1968), we understand that space is not neutral. It’s a political battleground. As Lefebvre wrote:
“Space is not a scientific object removed from ideology… It has always been political and strategic. There is an ideology of space. Because space… is a social product.”
Many urbanists focus on a single issue—bikes, zoning, parking, clean air, Manhattan…They pick a lane. But silos are how power wins. I don’t follow lanes, borders, or labels, and I don’t acquiesce to power.
We interrogate who designs cities, who benefits, and who gets left behind. Our work aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 11 & 13), demanding inclusive, resilient cities and urgent climate action, while rejecting extractive systems that prioritize profit over people.
My lens is Feminist urbanism, and I work my ideas within and through democracy—the system that, when functioning as it should, offers the most just options for all.
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If you’re able, please consider becoming a sustaining member. Your support allows us to dedicate more time to urbanism news that critically examines the political economy.
In warm solidarity,